Commercial Mediation
between companies (B2B)
between companies | clients | partners | suppliers
within companies | intra-company matters | organisation and leadership issues | conflicts between shareholders, business partners, managers, departments, teams, employees
reorganisation and company succession | transformation processes
national | international
Company Succession
company succession planning | reorganisation
support for family businesses | family convention
conflicts in family businesses
tax questions | foundations | trusts
national | international
Family Governance
organisation and leadership issues
strategy of family-owned companies | development strategy
communication within the family
asset and financial planning
estate planning | company succession planning
tax issues | foundations | trusts
national | international
Real Estate
purchase of real estate | sale of real estate
tax issues
construction proceedings | construction defects
conflicts between building owner | general contractor | architects | craftsmen
national | international
school matters
students | parents | school | school authority
intra-school conflicts and issues
supervision | intervision
proceedings with the child and adult protection authority (KESB) | child protection measures
conflicts between neighbours | homeowners | tenants | landlords
reconstruction | renovation | garden | greening
conflicts amongst floor owners | real estate management
conflicts during reconstruction and renovation l strategic planning

We offer legal solutions in the following practice areas:
Associations | Federations
issues and conflicts between association members | federation members | association board | federation board | external partners
national | international
mediations in the field of sport
resolutions for athletes | officials | sponsors
national | International